Learn about Virtual CRASH
Learn about Virtual CRASH
Virtual CRASH is a multi-purpose software application primarily used for accident reconstruction analyses. With Virtual CRASH you can simulate motor vehicle accidents, as well as pedestrian impacts, in full 3D. You can also draw scale diagrams, build and manipulate 3D models and terrain environments, and create stunning and incredibly lifelike HD animations. Virtual CRASH is used by professionals in academics, engineering, law enforcement, and the auto and insurance industries. Download the trial version of our software today!
For more information contact sales@vcrashusa.com.
Virtual CRASH, LLC is proud to be the Exclusive distributor of Virtual CRASH to North America and the Caribbean.
For more information contact sales@vcrashusa.com.
For sales in Europe, please visit www.vcrash3.com.
The Virtual CRASH project began 20 years ago in Europe through a collaboration of engineers and computer scientists dedicated to creating faster and smarter tools for accident reconstructionists. Since its inception with Virtual CRASH 1, the Virtual CRASH project and its family of products have steadily increased in both functionality and popularity within the accident reconstruction community. Virtual CRASH software products are incredibly powerful and flexible tools that should be included in every reconstructionist's arsenal. Virtual CRASH software is used by academic institutions like Stanford University, large forensic engineering firms, tech industry leaders like Intel, and auto industry leaders like GM. In 2017, Virtual CRASH 4 was released, adding another level of functionality and power to the Virtual CRASH software platform with features like point cloud importing, the Easy Surface Builder, Google Earth integration, Volumetric Lighting, and more. In 2020, we released Virtual CRASH 5. As a 64-bit application, version 5 allows users to finally unleash the power of their hardware. With advanced material properties, including texture mapping and the Momentum Solver, among other great features, Virtual CRASH 5 is an incredible addition to the Virtual CRASH family of software products. In 2022, Virtual CRASH for Public Safety was released. This version contains the essential features of Virtual CRASH at a price that the law enforcement community loves! To mark our 20th anniversary, we’re proud to release Virtual CRASH 6. Version 6 includes the Lightspeed Realtime Render Engine, advanced PBR materials, new multibodies, and more!
For more information contact sales@vcrashusa.com.
Question: What collision model does Virtual CRASH use?
Virtual CRASH uses the Kudlich-Slibar rigid body impulse model. Virtual CRASH also has a multi-point contact impulse-momentum model. Deformation of the vehicle shells can be enabled, but note this is not a SMAC-based model.
Question: What numerical integration methods are being used by the simulator?
Virtual CRASH has two numerical integration options available: (1) a fast sequential integration (iterative error correction) which uses a mixed Euler and Runge Kutta method, and (2) full integration which uses a complex NxN matrix with a mixed Euler and Runge Kutta method.
Question: Is it possible to change vehicle properties?
Yes. Vehicle properties can be changed using the control panel in the left column.
Question: Is the dummy model poseable? Does it have joint stiffness properties or is it just a rag doll?
Yes, the human model is poseable. All of the human model’s properties can be changed using the control panel in the left column. You can also pose the model interactively using the joint control grips.
Question: Is it possible to modify the coefficient-of-friction between the roadway and vehicle or roadway and human model? Can the user input various “friction zones” across the scene?
Yes. In Virtual CRASH the user has complete control over the coefficients-of-friction between all objects that can interact. The user can input as many “friction zones” as needed using the various shape drawing tools.
Question: Has Virtual CRASH been validated?
Yes. The Virtual CRASH physics model has been the subject of many studies. Virtual CRASH performance has been compared against standard references such as RICSAC and JARI, as well as other staged experiments, and has been found to reproduce experimental results to excellent agreement. Please find more information on articles and validation studies on our website.