Technical Support
Do you have a technical support issue, such as:
Virtual CRASH software installation problem?
Automatic software update problem?
Understanding how a feature or function works?
Geometry or total station file import problem?
Problem finding the right User's Guide, Knowledge Base, or Blog post to help with your specific use case?
Need to request that a potential use case be explained that is not well documented in the vCRASH Academy?
Need to report a potential software problem?
Scroll down to submit a technical support ticket.
Have you tried a Google site search yet?
Do you need help applying Virtual CRASH software to your specific case, or do you just want some hands-on training? We offer live Virtual CRASH training opportunites.
Did you know you can find free training content on the vCRASH, Academy page?
Are you interestered in learning about one of the topics below?
Importing Aerial Photos & Scale Diagrams >
Importing Total Station Measurements >
Vehicle Collision Simulations >
Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motorcycle Impact Simulations >
Did you know the Virtual CRASH User's Guide can be found online?
Too busy to create new vehicles, build environments, or generate advanced visualizations? Crash Animation Studios can help!