Virtual CRASH | Knowledge Base
Knowledge base posts
Added on November 22, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to place flexible post lane separators/delineators in my scene?
Added on November 13, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | How can I make a 3D scale bar?
Added on November 4, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to import textured meshes into Virtual CRASH?
Added on October 23, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | Is it possible to show wheel trajectories?
Added on May 4, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I simulate an object, such as a barrier or post, breaking during impact?
Added on April 2, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | Is it possible to connect a vehicle to an On Screen Dynamics Info box with a leader line?
Added on February 23, 2024 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | What is the difference between using “Wheels Separately” and “Locked Wheels” in a simulated vehicle’s sequences menu?
Added on June 13, 2023 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | How can I organize my project’s assets using layers?
Added on February 16, 2023 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | How do I modify my 3D object’s geometry using vertices?
Added on March 28, 2022 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I’ve upgraded to a 4K display and now my icons are very small and text in the left-side control panel appears to be cut-off. How do I fix this issue?
Added on January 26, 2022 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to show two simulation scenarios superimposed? For example, I want to show the subject crash and an alternative scenario.
Added on November 1, 2021 | VC5 | VC4 | Is there a way to create retroreflective tape or logos in Virtual CRASH?
Added on June 14, 2021 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | How can I create polyline CVs from imported data such as total station, RTK GPS, or known CV positions?
Added on June 12, 2021 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I render from within the occupant cabin it is difficult to see due to reflections or glare. How can I eliminate this effect?
Added on September 8, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I specify rolling resistance values to my tractor and trailer separately?
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Added on September 4, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I find the approach and departure angles in my simulated crash?
Added on September 2, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How is the turning radius of my vehicle related to the steering angle sequence input?
Added on August 17, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I have a t-bone impact simulation where there’s too much interpenetration in the secondary impact phase. How can I improve my model of this impact?
Added on April 24, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | Is it possible to extract a cross section of the terrain surface in Virtual CRASH so I can graph the data?
Added on April 24, 2020 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to change the opacity of my vehicle’s glass?
Added on April 3, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to model a cable barrier with Virtual CRASH?
Added on April 2, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to simulate a tree or narrow object impact in Virtual CRASH?
Added on January 20, 2020 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I keep my motorcycle/bicycle and rider upright and at rest before impact?
Added on November 7, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Help! Somehow, I navigated miles from my scene in the 3D browser and I can’t find my way back. How can I move the camera back to my scene?
Added on October 16, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I try to drag and drop files into Virtual CRASH I see a 'forbidden' symbol. What's going on?
Added on September 19, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | Is it possible to rotate a camera to visualize a driver’s changing field of view?
Added on August 3, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | Is it possible to attach a helmet onto the head of a multibody?
Added on July 11, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I’m trying to simulate a motorcycle t-bone crash, but my motorcycle seems to go through my vehicle even though there shouldn’t be so much crush damage in my case. I’ve also noticed sometimes in pedestrian impacts, my multibody model seems to go inside of the vehicle body panels. What’s going on?
Added on July 10, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | When I use the kinematics path feature with lights, the lights won’t move with my car. Is it possible to attach lights to a vehicle if I use a kinematics path? Also, how can I attach a camera to my vehicle if I’m using kinematics?
Added on May 3, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I change the text inside of a text object? How do the other text object features work?
Added on April 13, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | I have a 3D laser scan of the interior of a vehicle. Can I do line-of-sight studies with Virtual CRASH? Can I animate/simulate with my vehicle point cloud scan?
Added on April 2, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | Is there a way to remove vehicles from my point cloud?
Added on April 2, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I'm getting a Windows compatibility message after installing Virtual CRASH updates. What should I do?
Added on March 25, 2019 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to add a matte (non-glossy) finish to a vehicle’s surface in Virtual CRASH or reduce reflectivity?
Added on February 24, 2019 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to change the look of the wheels?
Added on February 18, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | Can I draw guardrail lines and other types of lines in Virtual CRASH?
Added on February 18, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | How can you pan the camera while creating objects like polylines in Virtual CRASH?
Added on January 30, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | How can I see all the input values used for my simulation/animation?
Added on January 30, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I can’t find the tire size I need in the tire size drop down menu. How can I specify the size of my tire?
Added on January 8, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | Is it possible to position my point cloud, total station, or dxf data in absolute global frame coordinates rather than relative coordinates? I want to overlap data from my photogrammetry study with my point cloud data.
Added on January 7, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to measure the normal force at the contact patch of a tire?
Added on January 3, 2019 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I’m trying to manipulate my vehicle’s polygon mesh by moving its vertices, but all of my vertices are red and I can’t determine which ones I’m selecting. How can I fix this?
Added on December 21, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | Is it possible to create a scaled physical printout of my scene?
Added on September 28, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I hide the blue friction cones when I use “render model: current”? How do I hide the interposition boxes and cg lines?
Added on September 8, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | How can I use the Easy Surface Builder to create my terrain meshes without removing points cloud points on the periphery so that my trees and buildings will be visible in my animation? I also don't want the Easy Surface Builder to be used on my trees or buildings.
Added on August 23, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I need to make a hot rod type vehicle with one end of the vehicle raised further off the ground than the other. How can I do this in Virtual CRASH?
Added on August 7, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | Google Maps doesn’t seem to be working. I’m receiving an “Oops! Something went wrong” error. What’s going on?
Added on July 24, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I add axles to my imported vehicle model, the wheels aren’t centered with respect to the centerline of the vehicle. How can I fix this?
Added on July 11, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I make a diagram that shows instances of my vehicles and multibody at various interpositions?
Added on July 6, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | When I try to launch Virtual CRASH, I see the splash screen, and then nothing happens. What should I do?
Added on June 28, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | How can I indicate that lights are on my vehicle without using the volumetric lighting halo effect? How can I show lights on in daytime lighting? Is there a way to rig a vehicle with lights so I can reuse it?
Added on May 30, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I’m trying to simulate a sedan effectively engaging in an offset frontal collision with trailer tandems, but Virtual CRASH seems to simulate it as a sideswipe. What can I do to model this type of impact?
Added on May 16, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | I have a monochromatic point cloud. How can I set the color of the points in Virtual CRASH?
Added on May 15, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | In one of your advertisement videos, I saw that you covered up vehicles that were in your Google Earth aerial. You also made a road sign from Google Street View. How did you do that?
Added on May 9, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to apply a pre-defined crash pulse to a vehicle?
Added on April 22, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Whenever I simulate my vehicle driving on an auto-driver path or uphill, it slows down. When I simulate a vehicle going downhill, it speeds up. How can I keep my vehicle moving at a constant speed?
Added on March 26, 2018 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I put logos or decals on trailers or vehicles?
Added on March 20, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | After impact, my cars are trying to steer back to their auto-driver paths. How can I disengage the auto-driver feature near the moment-of-impact?
Added on March 1, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Sometimes I like to use “generic” looking vehicles in my preliminary visual aids, but I don’t like the generic hatchback shape. Can I make my own in vcrash?
Added on February 17, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I want to make a video without the bounding boxes and lines showing. How can I do this?
Added on February 16, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I display speed and distance information in my videos?
Added on January 31, 2018 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I add additional regions to my terrain surface mesh?
Added on December 21, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | I have a point cloud in las format from Pix4D, how can I load it into Virtual CRASH 4, 5, or 6? How do I export point clouds from CloudCompare?
Added on December 20, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I export report dynamics data into Excel?
Added on November 14, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is there a way to report the (x,y,z,) vs time data for an arbitrary position within a vehicle’s frame of reference?
Added on November 14, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to make a copy of an object?
Added on November 10, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I add an axle to my vehicle?
Added on November 10, 2017 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to put snow, ice, or water into my scene?
Added on November 7, 2017 | VC6 | C5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is there an easy way to measure arc lengths, path lengths, and angles?
Added on November 6, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I include crush damage in my simulations and animations?
Added on November 2, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | Is it possible to animate a vehicle moving backward or switch from forward to backward?
Added on October 17, 2017 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I try to make a naked multibody I am told by Windows “you do not have permission to open this file.” I need naked man. What do I do?
Added on October 9, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | VCPS | I followed the instructions in Chapter 1 to install Virtual CRASH, but it looks like I’m still in trial mode / Virtual CRASH will not launch on my machine / The splash screen appears then disappears and nothing happens.
Added on October 6, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I’m having trouble understanding what the difference is between a sequence’s “time” and “steering time”. Which one is the time where a steering input starts?
Added on October 5, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I import my vehicle into my scene from the database/gallery/assets browser, the wheels are off the ground and my vehicle looks like a lowrider. What’s going on?
Added on September 22, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I need a 53 ft long two-axle trailer for my simulation. Is there a way to make this in Virtual CRASH?
Added on September 14, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can one elevate objects in Virtual CRASH at a user specified speed?
Added on August 24, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VCPS | The Google Maps tool is telling me my browser isn’t supported? What’s going on here?
Added on July 1, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I simulate a vehicle coming to a complete stop before accelerating and turning a few seconds later?
Added on May 20, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | There are a lot of vehicles in the database that reuse the generic hatchback mesh. Is there a way to filter out those vehicles from the database so I can quickly access only those vehicles with custom meshes?
Added on April 29, 2017 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I render my scenes, the frames seem dark for some reason. Is it possible to increase the brightness of my rendered frames?
Added on April 29, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | My tractor-trailer is accelerating at a much lower rate than I am specifying in the sequences menu. What am I doing wrong here?
Added on March 20, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to export the “report dynamics” data to a plain text file? Can I change the precision of the data that’s reported?
Added on March 16, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | What determines when tire marks are made in a simulation? Is there a way to turn them off?
Added on March 14, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | My imported vehicle doesn’t seem to have the correct width even though I set the width in the size menu. What am I doing wrong?
Added on March 10, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I’m trying to adjust the heading of my tractor-trailer to go straight down the road, but it keeps turning instead of going straight. What’s going on?
Added on March 9, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I use the auto-driver to set up an intersection collision?
Added on February 14, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I’m trying to import my terrain mesh into Virtual CRASH, but when I import my dxf file, parts of the terrain are missing. What’s going on? Is it possible add additional sections to my mesh?
Added on February 3, 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I export my total station data in PTS file format from Excel?
Added on January, 21 2017 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I simulate an underride type accident?
Added on December 27, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do you change the maximum simulation time?
Added on December 26, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I give my bicycle + rider (or motorcycle + rider) group object an initial speed, they move in the wrong direction. What am I doing wrong?
Added on December 16, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How does one enable pedestrian, rigid body, or vehicle versus tire interactions? How can I model one vehicle climbing/driving up on another?
Added on November 22, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I incorporate images of buildings into my simulations?
Added on November 17, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to attach a rider to a bicycle or motorcycle? Can I make a pedestrian follow an arbitrary path?
Added on October 4, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can a multibody model's skin color and hair be modified?
Added on September 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to independently apply braking to a trailer?
Added on: September 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to export single frames?
Added on: September 28, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How can I simulate trailer separation?
Added on: September 28, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is there a way to simulate a vehicle mass separation at impact?
Added on: September 27, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I place a camera inside of a vehicle to show the driver's point of view? I would also like to study lines-of-sight. Is that possible?
Added on: September 8, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | When I render my animation, a large glare appears on my vehicle's window as it travels along its path. Is there a way to turn this off?
Added on: August 18, 2016 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I created my terrain mesh in Rhino, exported to 3DS format, and I'm using it in Virtual CRASH 3, but I can't seem to disable ground reflections? How do I disable reflections?
Added on: August 17, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I access the PDOF for my crash simulation?
Added on: August 16, 2016 | VC6 | C5 | VC4 | VC3 | I need to conduct a biomechanical study involving head impacts. How can I access data for the multibody head segment?
Added on: August 16, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I access position and orientation data for vehicle wheels?
Added on: July 28, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Various questions about working with Tractor-Trailers.
Added on: July 15, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I include guard rails in my simulations?
Added on: July 14, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I make a custom traffic sign in Virtual CRASH?
Added on: July 2, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I'm using the fast control icons to steer my vehicle, but it doesn't stay on the same path when I change the initial speed. Why not?
Added on: June 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I purchased a third-party vehicle mesh, but when I drag and drop the vcm file onto a vehicle from the database, the mesh isn't oriented correctly. What's going on?
Added: June 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | I seem to be getting update errors. Why do these automatic updates keep failing?
Added: June 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | How do I change the moments-of-inertia for my vehicle?
Added: June 30, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Is it possible to customize the multibody model beyond just changing the overall weight and height?
Added: June 28, 2016 | VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Can I delete one of the axles in a three-axle trailer model?