Use the Virtual CRASH platform for your R&D 


Virtual CRASH software has been used to study diverse topics from head impact severity to emotional responses to observing motor vehicle accidents. Put our user-friendly application to work for your research project.

Autonomous vehicle research

Use Virtual CRASH as a camera emulator tool to assist your autonomous vehicle research program. Easily generate simulated video of any traffic situation from your office. Learn why autonomous vehicle research facilities such as Motional and Intel’s Mobileye use Virtual CRASH. Schedule a live demonstration today!

✔ Quickly and easily set up any traffic scenario

✔ Attach cameras to any object moving or stationary

✔ Attach camera targets to any object moving or stationary

✔ Create multiple camera views of your traffic scenario 

✔ Post-process output avi files on your own image processing algorithms

✔Validate proprietary vehicle dynamics and collision algorithms against Virtual CRASH